Major Lessons Learned
Hailey Kane has made a lot of progress in the time she has been taking her riding lessons. One big lesson is to never let fear control you.
In the photo above, Hailey has just mounted on her horse after taking a very bad fall just moments earlier. Although nothing was broken or sprained in the fall, she was very bruised up and in pain. Despite that, she did get back on the horse and spent another hour doing her riding lessons.
We are very proud of her.
We had a new student join us this past weekend, Christina Watkins. She is a classmate of Hailey’s. Christina really liked the horse-riding lessons and is a natural for it. She was riding open pasture her first day and did well.
Bella Trice continues to be our start student. She has really continued to improve each week and we have great confidence in her. The discipline she is learning with horses has helped her in improving her school grades as well. She has improved to the extent that she is now offering tutoring help to fellow classmates and younger members of our youth group.